Dec 5, 2007

Paper info: Embick "Variation and morphosyntactic theory"

Embick, David (to appear) "Variation and morphosyntactic theory: Competition fractionated," to appear in Language and Linguistics Compass. downloadable from the Embick's website on UPenn

  • How can dynamic aspects of language-variation and change- be treated in formal morphosyntactic theory?

  • On the notion "competition": competition for grammaticality, competition for use, modularity, and their relation.

  • How does Distributed Morphology define competition and analyze blocking phenomena?

  • Two stances for some doublet phenomena (e.g. "dove" and "dived" for a past form of "dive"): Competition Grammar theory and some "gradient" and "probabilistic" theories.

  • Movement phenomena in English, Middle English, and Belfast English

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